Who can participate?

SparkHacks is open to anyone! Whether you're a freshman with no coding experience or a senior with a keen interest in technology, you are welcome to join. We encourage diversity and a mix of skills to create a dynamic and enriching experience for all participants.

What is the deadline to apply for SparkHacks?

There is no deadline to apply but we will be accepting applications on a rolling basis and will close registrations once we hit a certain threshold. Please apply as soon as possible since we only have a limited number of spots available! Encourage the rest of your team to apply as soon as possible as well.

Is SparkHacks overnight?

Unfortunately, at this time we cannot offer an overnight Hackathon experience. You are welcome to continue hacking at home within the hacking period but we cannot provide facilities for sleeping on campus.

How are projects judged, and what is the criteria?

The Judging Criteria will be available within the HackPack. A panel of experienced judges from the industry along with faculty will evaluate the projects and determine the winners.

What if I don’t want to code?

No problem! We have a No-Code track where you can take one of our prompts and implement it using Figma!

Do I need a team to participate in SparkHacks?

No, you can participate individually or in teams of up to 5 members. We will be having a Team Formation Social to help you find potential teammates!

Can I start working on my project before SparkHacks begins?

No, all projects must be started and developed during SparkHacks. Participants are expected to attend the opening session to learn of the tracks and corresponding prompts.

Where can I find SparkHacks resources?

All SparkHacks resources, including guidelines, workshops, resources to help you best prepare, and other relevant information, will be available in the HackPack from February 5th onwards.

How to find support during the hackathon?

Mentors will be available throughout SparkHacks in person as well as through Discord to provide guidance, answer questions, and assist participants with technical challenges. You can reach out to a mentor at any time during SparkHacks!

How can I submit my project?

All submissions will be made through Devpost which is also how we will be keeping track of teams. There will be a session to familiarize yourself with how to submit your project through Devpost during the hackathon.